The home-produced milk and meat at the Mac Bun agri-tourism come from the mountain pastures of the Val di Oropa at an altitude of 1800 m.
The most typical product from the Pralungo area is Beddu: a fresh, low-fat, soft cheese made from cow’s milk. It can be eaten after being aged for just two weeks on a bed of straw. To prepare a host of delicious dishes, a custom-made wood stove was installed with a double oven in order to have two different cooking temperatures. There are two deep warming drawers on the right side while a second hob with gas burners was created on the left side.
The most typical product from the Pralungo area is Beddu: a fresh, low-fat, soft cheese made from cow’s milk. It can be eaten after being aged for just two weeks on a bed of straw. To prepare a host of delicious dishes, a custom-made wood stove was installed with a double oven in order to have two different cooking temperatures. There are two deep warming drawers on the right side while a second hob with gas burners was created on the left side.